
社署攜手扶弱基金 之 建義踴為-免費小型裝修維修計劃 2021-2022

P.F.D - Free Minor Home Renovation & Maintenance Service Scheme 2021-2022

上左 (Upper Left)


O.S.H.C - Island/ Remote Construction Site Safety Seminar

上右( Upper Right)

香港建造業服務協會 之 進階工藝培訓計劃 (技術提升課程-建造業議會合作計劃) 校址及導師

HKCSA - Advanced Construction Manpower Training Scheme (Skills Enhancement Course -Cooperate with CIC) School Address & Tutors

下左(Lower Left)

肺塵埃沉着病補償基金委員會 之 工地派發單張及問卷調查活動

P.C.F.B - Construction Distribute leaflets Exhibition

右側與封底 (Right Side & Bottom)


Association Structure & Mission

HKCSA is a non-political and non-profit charitable organization. The purpose of this association is to:
1.      為幫助有需要人士,包括少數族裔、新移民、長者、婦女、傷亡人士的家屬、單親家庭及低收入家庭,使香港社會受益。
1. To help people in need, including ethnic minorities, new immigrants, the elderly, women, families of casualties, single-parent families and low-income families, to benefit the Hong Kong society.
2.      為促進本會的宗旨,向少數族裔及新移民提供工作轉介、安全培訓、咨詢與翻譯等支援服務。
2. To promote the purpose of the Association, provide supporting services such as job referral, safety training, consultation and translation service to ethnic minorities and new immigrants.
3.      為促進本會的宗旨,關愛退休長者及婦女,並由長者建築導師透過各類講座與興趣班向投身建造業工友傳遞安全訊息及環保意識。
3. To promote the purpose of the Association and care for retired seniors and women, senior construction instructors will deliver safety messages and environmental awareness to workers in the construction industry through various lectures and interest classes.
4.      為促進本會的宗旨,關懷傷/亡人士之家屬,由社工提供適時的支援及適當的情緒輔導,並組織已走出傷痛的工人/家屬為義工,以過來人身份幫助未來新增個案早日走出情緒上的陰霾,重投工作。
4. To promote the purpose of the Association and to care for the families of the injured/dead, social workers will provide timely support and appropriate emotional counseling and organize workers/family members who have come out of pain as volunteers with past- experienced persons to help new cases in the future to get out of the emotional haze and resume working life as soon as possible.
5.      為促進本會的宗旨,組織各義工,定期探訪各區內單親和低收入家庭以及獨居長者,並協助當中有需要的家庭進行小型修補翻新工程。
5. To promote the purpose of the Association, organize volunteers to regularly visit single-parent and low-income families and the elderly living alone in various districts, and assist families in need to carry out small repair and renovation projects.